Monday, November 25, 2013

Teaser Number 6 for Walker

Teaser number 5 - Release date is getting close.

Today I want to introduce you to my character Elise. She's a crowd pleaser.

“Well, someone saw it and it’s making the rounds.” Elise didn’t seem the least bit disturbed by this. I, on the other hand, was dreading the repercussions for my klutziness. “Public Enemy Number One!” Elise yelled in the hall, pointing dramatically at me.
            “Ms. Burrows,” boomed from Mr. Hale from behind us.
            “Sorry, Mr. Hale,” she called back. I was figuring one thing out about Elise; she was loud.  She registered my anxious face, draped an arm around me and pulled me down the hall. “Listen, if you let JCru and her brigade of fake Barbies know they are buggin’ you, they’re going to eat you alive. Take Lisa; she let it be known the rumors hurt her feelings and they were like mosquitoes. Kenzie, on the other hand, gave everyone the finger including Colton and put on her big girl pants. They left her alone a lot quicker than they did Lisa.”
            “And you? What did you do?”
            “I slept with their boyfriends,” she smiled at me.  An interesting second thing I learned about Elise, the pot stirrer. “Probably not the best route.” She smiled at me.


  1. A delicious teaser! I look forward to learning more about Elise.

  2. I did enjoy writing her dialogue! I could say whatever I wanted!
