Sunday, December 4, 2011

Editing Services?

I have noticed on multiple of my writing friend's blogs something that they offer. What is it they offer, you ask? They offer critiquing and editing services to writers.

Recently, I have been delving into my sequel to The Owen Legacy: Revelations.  I have been really pushing my writing. My first rough draft might not even be "dodgy" as Komal says. But for that to happen, I really need to be focusing on my writing and all the rules. I also edited the first twenty pages of two very awesome ladies, Steph and Carrie. I also edit teenage work daily because I am an English teacher.

Is anyone asking what my point is yet?

I think that I would like to start editing. I am not saying I am this super awesome editor. My friend Marie - she's an awesome editor. But I do know that I know the rules of English and I am very good at building stories with others. Again, my experience as an English teacher has really lent to me becoming good at getting people develop full stories.

What I am asking my writing friends is - What makes some creditable in your eyes for editing? What makes you seek out someone's help? What type of services do you look for?  Would testaments from other writers be helpful?

I am really looking for any feedback anyone can give, even if it is: "Michelle, this is a bad idea."

Some cool news in the writing and blogging world.
Komal at In Which I Write Nonsensically, Diana at The Lovely Getaway, and Rachel at Rachel Bateman and I are putting together a group blog. It's in the early planning stages but we are going to be focusing on writing, interviews, and new releases, and the publishing world. We are going to be mostly focusing on the YA genre. Stay tuned for more information.

The second thing, and the one I am super nervous about is, I am going to be ePubbing my novel The Owens Legacy: Revelations this December, probably the last week when I go on break. I hope to reveal to you all the cover within the next week.  So stay tuned for that as well!


  1. I say go for it! You have an eye for these things, and there's no reason why you shouldn't give it a try. Maybe you can offer a three-page consultation to potential clients. That way, they'll see your editing style, and you'll see what you have to work with (before giving them a quote). Good luck, and thanks again for your help! :)

  2. Oh my goodness! I am so excited for you! I can't wait until people get to read your awesome story!

    I think that is a great idea, Michelle. You are very good at giving advice on grammar and you have a very nice way if doing it too.
