I thought I was awesome.
I thought I was awesome. My team's name WTF. AKA Witness the Fitness :) You should have seen the looks people were giving us because of our names and then we would turn around and people would laugh.
See those three white shirts in the front? That's us charging up the hill! Mind you the "hill" was a mile and a half of ski mountain. I was not impressed at this point. It's so blurry because it was also down pouring at this time. It made it muddier!
That's us, sliding in the final mud pit!
This event was so awesome because there were over 8,000 women climbing this mountain. There were fairies, tutus, wigs, and a slew of team names that would have you laughing.
You all look like you had an amazing and fun time! And getting dirty is part of what it's all about. ;)